Little Red Stone
Little Red Stone is where we care for our youngest children on Sunday mornings. Children from 6 weeks old to PreK can be checked into Little Red Stone in the front lobby of our facility prior to the service at 10 a.m. Little Red Stone focuses on praying, playing, and keeping your little ones safe throughout the morning!
Little Red Stone is made up of three groups:
Your child’s safety is of great importance to Red Stone Church. On Sundays, children are checked in at the front lobby of our facility. Every child is registered, given a name tag, and never released without a parent identification tag. Your Child’s tag also has your phone number printed on it so our volunteers have quick access if they need you throughout the morning.
All adults involved in Next-Gen Ministry are screen and trained. There will also be at least two adults in every class to ensure a high level of accountability at all times. To read more about our policies and procedures check out our handbook below!