What does our time look like?

Most of our Community Groups consist of 12-16 people who meet in a home once a week for approximately 2 hours to learn about God, pray, snack, laugh, and usually discuss the most recent sermon or sermon passage.

Do you have to be a member of Red Stone Church to join a community group?

No, you do not have to be a member to be a part of a community group. All are welcome!

How do I get plugged in?

We have over several groups scattered throughout the city!   You can get plugged into a Community Group by emailing jeremiah@redstonechurch.net. Upon receiving your information, we will put you in touch with a Community Group leader.

How often do you meet throughout the year?

Community Groups meet for 3 terms each year, a fall term, a winter term, and a spring term.  The fall term will begin soon after Labor Day and usually conclude with a Christmas gathering in early-mid December.  The winter term will begin in early-mid January and conclude for spring break in early-mid March.  And the spring term will always end with a gathering for each group prior to Memorial Day weekend. Except in rare instances, community groups do not meet regularly during the summer months, apart from an occasional barbecue or summer gathering.

What are the age differences within each group?

It varies from group to group.  Some groups are multi-generational, some have lots of young couples and/or singles, some have teens, etc.  This dynamic of age differences has been one of the most encouraging parts about RS community groups thus far and has created an environment of healthy, loving multi-generational relationships.