Jesus Fights for Out Redemption Pt. 1
Jesus Fights For Our Redemption - Part I
(from 10/09/16 sermon)
I. OPEN - See if there is anyone who wants to share a short testimony, or if there are there specific praise updates to begin CG.
Q - Sermon takeaways from those who were in attendance?
*READ ALOUD MATTHEW 9:1-8 & Mark 2:1-12
In this passage we read an account of 4 men who have carried a paralytic to Jesus. We were reminded on Sunday that the Gospel calls us to action, which includes being inconvenienced for others and carrying the burdens of others. Galatians 6:2 puts it this way: “Carry one another’s burdens and so fu lfill the law of Christ.”
Q - Can you think of a time in your life that you were carried by others? How about times when you carried someone else who was hurting and whose faith was weak? Discuss. We were reminded that sometimes Jesus heals/acts because of our faith, sometimes He heals/acts because He simply chooses to, sometimes He heals/acts to increase the faith of others, and sometimes...this time...He heals/acts because of the faith of others.
DISCUSS - Discuss the implications of praying with intentionality and persistence that can be drawn from the previous statement. Consider Luke 18:1-8 for further reflection. *Paralytic definition - “Paralyzed, crippled, incapacitated, powerless, useless”
DISCUSS - Discuss various situations in which individuals might find themselves paralyzed, crippled, incapacitated, powerless, useless...situations in which they simply have no faith and have little to offer.
Q - What are effective ways of being Christ-like in these situations? How can we effectively carry them? Likewise, can you think of actions that would NOT be recommended and why not? There was quite a bit of discussion regarding these four men who went out of their way to carry the paralytic man to Jesus. Who were these men who would give us their time and strength to carry another individual across town, and eventually to the top of a house, cut through a roof, and lower him to the ground.
Q - What does any of this have to do with living in community with one another and the need for ongoing transparent relationships with other believers? Discuss.
Read 2:5-11
Christ came off the mountain and began to establish His Kingdom showing His authority over sickness (chapter 8), but now He is showing His authority to forgive sins too. IN FACT...THAT’S THE POINT! He came to seek and save that which was lost...HE IS FIGHTING FOR OUR REDEMPTION. Notice in 2:7 where it says “God alone can forgive sins.” It’s as if they’re saying, “It’s awesome that this guy can heal diseases, but now He’s gone too far...ONLY GOD CAN FORGIVE SINS.” And they are completely right...only God can forgive sins.
Q - How does that change the passage from just another healing miracle to Jesus making a statement about His identity and power? Read and consider PS 24:7-10 & John 20:31. Discuss.
At the end of the passage after healing the paralytic, the crowds saw it and “were afraid, and they glorified God.” The word in the original language is Phobeos. It is used 91 times in the new testament, particularly in stories like this one in which the people were struck with awe and amazement. What does it mean to walk in the fear of the Lord? How can we magnify and make large the name of Christ in such a way that people will be in awe of Him...that they will have a reverent and health fear of Him?
Final thoughts
Q - What 1-2 things did you receive from this passage or discussion that you can implement and/or give away this week? Specifically, how do you plan to do so?